Ever wondered how you can maximise storage space in your storage unit? Good news: we have tips for you. With some strategic planning, you can now enjoy more savings by choosing the right storage size!
Let’s jump right in:
1. Storage Space Planning – Vertical vs Horizontal
If you fill up your storage unit without a plan, you’ll end up wasting valuable space. To stretch the usable space in your storage, remember to consider both horizontal and vertical aspects of the area.
Start by placing the heaviest items at the bottom of your unit. Like building a foundation, this will start you off with a solid base to work upwards with lighter and more fragile items.
2. Ensure Accessibility to Commonly Used Belongings
Are there any items that you need to access regularly? If yes, do please place them right in front of your storage unit. This tip will save you from the tiring hassle of moving items around in the unit, only to repack once you’re done. Imagine going through this routine every time you visit your storage unit. Oh, what a nightmare!
3. Create Walkway Your Storage
Maximising space usage also means thinking of ways to optimise movement and mobility within your storage unit. After all, being able to access your belongings is as important and storing them properly. So remember: During space planning, cater a little space for walkways. This will make accessing your items that much more convenient!
4. Fill Up Gaps in Your Storage
Still need more space? Time to get creative. Analyse the overall area in your storage unit. Look high and low for gaps of unused space. Can any of your items fill that space? Good. Now, fill it up. Think like you would when you’re playing Tetris – it’s not about how much space you have, it’s how you use it!