January 15, 2019

5 Simple ways to check if your self-storage facility is Fire Services Department (FSD) approved.

Are you renting a mini-storage that complies with Fire Safety regulations?

Did you know: if a mini-storage unit is certified unsafe, it will seriously put your items and personal safety at risk? What’s more, mini-storage that are not compliant with the fire protection regulations may close down at any time, causing inconvenience to the customers. If you are planning to store your precious belongings in a mini-storage facility, here are some key pointers to note.

1. Windows at the self-storage facility are not blocked.

If you notice your mini-storage has messy compartments or items such as wooden pallets and boxes blocking the windows, it could mean that this mini-storage has violated one of the fire safety regulations. Obstructions near a window opening is a fire safety concern that may affect a fire rescue mission.

2. 2.4-meter gap rule between storage units

The Fire Services Department (FSD) proposes a legislation that requires a fire escape path at least 2.4 meters wide to prevent the rapid spread of fire in the facility. This space is required for every 500m of items, with the mandatory requirement of working sprinkler systems in place.

3. Adequate coverage of firefighting equipment in the facility

When choosing your mini-storage, you should make sure that there is sufficient firefighting equipment in the facility such as hose reels and ceiling sprinkler systems. The distance between the ceiling sprinkler system and the content in the storage unit should not be less than 0.5 meters. Request to take a look inside the storage unit. If items in the storage unit are piled up all the way to the ceiling, it is also a Fire Safety violation.

4.  Clear exits and directional signs

Beware of mini-storage facilities with a lack of exit and direction signs. Pay attention to make sure there is clear and sufficient indication towards the direction of escape and exits as they are very important during the event of a fire.

5. Taking note of the storage size and height

Fire Safety Regulations state that the length of either side of a single storage unit cannot exceed 20 meters and the total estimated area cannot exceed 50 square meters. So, remember to keep a lookout for any oversize storage units (bigger doesn’t mean better!).  In addition, the height of the storage compartment has been limited to no more than 2.35 meters; the top of the storage compartment must be at least 1 meter away from the ceiling to meet the specification of the mini-storage.

At Extra Space Asia, safekeeping your items in a regulated environment is our priority. We are proud to say that both our Hung Hom and Sai Wan storage facilities are Fire Services Department certified, in full adherence to all the Fire Services Department regulations. By storing with us, you can be assured that your personal belongings are in good hands! For reliable and secure mini-storage, call 3974 6000 or visit us today for a free quote.


By: Michelle